News on Kim Teck Cheong Consolidated Bhd. obtaining exclusive rights to Gardenia Trademark in Sabah, Sarawak and Indonesia

We at Gardenia Bakeries (KL) Sdn. Bhd. [GBKL] would like to pre-emptively clarify that, Kim Teck Cheong Consolidated Bhd. [KTC] obtained the exclusive rights to use Gardenia trademark from Tong Hing Holdings Sdn. Bhd. (a company in Sabah) and this has no association with GBKL at all.

Therefore, KTC and/or its subsidiaries Gardenia Bakeries (East Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. have the rights to the use of Gardenia logo and trademark in Sabah, Sarawak and Indonesia.

GBKL operates only in Peninsular Malaysia. GBKL is completely a different company and is NOT related to KTC and Gardenia Bakeries (East Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. We have different products, different management, different policies and different operational systems.

GBKL would like to assure all our consumers in Peninsular Malaysia that it has always been Gardenia’s policy to serve our customers to the best of our ability in terms of quality of products and services. We have grown practicing this policy faithfully and will continue to do so.

For further information please contact us at 1-800-88-3228 or email to

Thank you.

The Management of Gardenia Bakeries (KL) Sdn Bhd
23rd January 2020

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Video of Gardenia employee removing slices of bread from loaf pack

The above video has been circulating on the internet recently. However, please be informed that the content of the video is not of Gardenia Bakeries (KL) Sdn Bhd delivery truck or employee.

Gardenia Bakeries Philippines has since issued a statement with regards to the video. Below is the image of the statement from Gardenia Bakeries Philippines. 

Please refer to the link below for clarification on the video from Gardenia Bakeries Philippines.

We would appreciate it if you could forward this statement to your friends who shared the video with you.

If you have any further enquiries, please feel free to contact our Customer Care Officers at our toll-free line 1-800-88-3228.

Thank you.

The Management of Gardenia Bakeries (KL) Sdn Bhd

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Falsehood 8: It was never true

The Truth : The above posting is a re-circulated rumour that is introduced once again in the internet and multiple messaging platforms by irresponsible parties with ulterior motives. We would like to reinstate once again that this news is FAKE!. It was never true, be it back in 2011 or now.

This news was a part of a series of rumours that were fabricated to urge Malaysians to boycott Gardenia that were fueled based on the emotional uncertainties felt based a large pocket of the nation.

We urge all netizens to stop, think and do the rightful. Do not be manipulated and puppeted into supporting parties with their own hidden agenda.

We would really appreciate it if you would forward this to the person that sent this message to you. However, please refer to the following links for more details or do feel free to contact our toll free line at 1-800-88-3228 and speak to our customer service officers for more information on the matter.

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Falsehood 7: I too found an alive worm in my Sambal Bilis Bun

Since late yesterday, we noticed a string of postings mushrooming across all social media platforms allegedly claiming to have found alive worm in their Sambal Bilis Bun.

The shocking thing was, all these complaints were accompanied with what is believed to be an identical photograph <> (Archive) used as an instrument in a previous posting by a Facebooker <>.

We are convinced that this is an orchestrated and concerted effort by an irresponsible third party with their own conniving agenda. With this, we would like to urge all netizens to take the time and evaluate the situation/ facts for themselves. Please do not get manipulated into participating in the under handed tactics deployed by this irresponsible party.

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Falsehood 6: Gardenia Delicia Sambal Bilis with ALIVE worm

The Truth: This was posted by a Facebooker <> allegedly claiming to have found alive worm crawling out of the bun. <> (Archive)

We had proceeded to investigate this matter based on the video and photos that was posted even though we have not been contacted thus far and found it to be baseless and untrue, simply due to the nature of the baking process. The worm would have been dead when exposed to the extreme baking heat of 240 degree Celsius for approximately 12 minutes which makes it impossible for the worm to survive not to mention to be actively crawling about.

Having said so, we suspect that this posting was fuelled by ill intentions and we would like to urge all the netizen out there to correct the wrong and circulate our official statement. Also, please feel free to contact our friendly customer care consultants for further information/ clarification on the matter at 1-800-88-3228.

Thank you.

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Gardenia uses High Protein Unbleached Wheat Flour

In the light of the recent claims that bleached wheat flour is harmful to the health, we would like to take this opportunity to assure our loyal consumers that Gardenia products are not affected in any way. Gardenia KL would like to stress that Gardenia only uses high protein unbleached wheat flour to produce all our products.

We would also like to take this opportunity to re-instate that all Gardenia Sandwich loaves have no Artificial, Synthetic or Unnatural Preservatives.

We would appreciate it if you could forward this statement to your friends that may be interested. If you have any further enquiries, please feel free to contact our Customer Care Officers at our toll-free line 1-800-88-3228. 

Thank you.

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Falsehood 5: Gardenia Bread with Rat Droppings

The Truth: The above posting has been circulated on the internet recently. However, please be informed that Gardenia KL and the Gardenia found in Sabah, Sarawak and Brunei are separate business entities with their own operating systems and procedures.

Gardenia KL only has the license to manufacture and distribute its products in Peninsular Malaysia.

We would like to take this opportunity to reinstate that Gardenia KL takes our responsibility very seriously to ensure our consumers can enjoy fresh, hygienic and healthy products daily.

We hereby confirm that the product in the picture above does not belong to Gardenia KL. Just to add on, there is a distinctive difference in the packaging used by Gardenia KL and the Gardenia found in Sabah, Sarawak and Brunei. For your easy reference, we have incorporate a visual of Gardenia KL wholemeal bread below:

We would really appreciate it if you would forward this to the person that sent this message to you. However, please do feel free to contact our toll free line at 1-800-88-3228 and speak to our customers service officers for more information on the matter.

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TWO SEPARATE business entities;
Gardenia Bakeries (KL) Sdn Bhd and Gardenia Food Industries Sabah

It was brought to our attention that Gardenia Food Industries [Gardenia Sabah] operations have been allegedly shut down by the relevant authorities in Sabah.

We at Gardenia Bakeries (KL) Sdn Bhd [GBKL] would like to pre-emptively clarify that GBKL and Gardenia Sabah are two completely different companies, and they are not related. GBKL operates only in Peninsular Malaysia and supplies to this market only. Gardenia Sabah covers that market specifically. The two companies have totally different management, different policies and different operational systems.

GBKL would like to assure all our loyal consumers in Peninsular Malaysia that it has always been our policy and belief to give the best of our ability in terms of products and services. We would also like to take this opportunity, to invite the public to come and see our operations with your own eyes. For any further information/ reservations, please contact us at 1-800-88-3228 or email to

4 thoughts on “TWO SEPARATE business entities;
Gardenia Bakeries (KL) Sdn Bhd and Gardenia Food Industries Sabah

    • Hi Jasbir,
      For further details on sponsorship request, please contact Ms. Azrina from our Marketing Department at 03-5542 3228.
      Thank you.

    • Hi Rose.
      Untuk belian terus dari kilang, harga borong akan diberikan dengan pembelian kuantiti minima yang telah ditetapkan oleh syarikat.
      Untuk maklumat lanjut dan tempahan, sila hubungi Puan Mala dari Bahagian Jualan di talian 03-5161 3228. Terima kasih.

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The impact of lower petrol price on Gardenia product prices

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to clarify in regards of the prices of Gardenia products.

We would like to take this opportunity to explain to the customer that the overall cost of the Gardenia products consists of not only distribution cost, but a large portion of our production cost is made up of raw material, operating, labour, utility and other related costs.

With this, the impact of the dip in petrol prices in January 2015 is incomparable to the increased in raw material costs due to the increase incurred in foreign exchange, salary increases, the rising cost of utilities (as the rate remains as per previous increase) and so on.

Therefore, it saddens us to inform that we are forced to maintain the price of our products at this time. For any further information, please contact us at 1-800-88-3228 or email to

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Milk used in Gardenia products are from Europe

In the light of the recent news about the botulism contamination of milk from New Zealand, we would like to assure our consumers that Gardenia products are not affected in any way.

Gardenia wishes to confirm that the milk used in all our products are originated from Europe (France, Germany & Belgium).

If you have further inquiries, please feel free to call us on our toll-free line at 1-800-88-3228 or e-mail us at

Thank you.

Hazlinah Harun
Senior Marketing Manager
Gardenia Bakeries (KL) Sdn. Bhd.

95 thoughts on “Milk used in Gardenia products are from Europe

  1. Im interested to buy 288 loafs of original classic (400g) before end of the month to distribute to a masjid near my house.

    How much and do you charge for delivery to Sri Sentosa Jln Klang Lama?

    • Hi Liza.

      Thank you for your interest in our products. Pertaining the above matter, following is the quotation :

      Product : Gardenia Original Classic
      Weight : 400g
      Quantity : 288 loaves
      Price : RM2.05

      To place an order or for any further assistance, please contact Ms.Mala from our Sales Department at 03-5161 3228.

      Thank you.

    • Hi Amilia.

      Thank you for your interest in our products.

      Pertaining the above matter, to place an order or for any further assistance, please contact Ms.Mala from our Sales Department at 03-5161 3228.

      Thank you.

  2. HI . I would like to collaborate with your company on some events. Are you the best person to speak with for the next year marketing plan?


    • Hi Adele,
      Thank you for your interest in our company. For further enquiries please contact the Marketing Department at 03-5542 3228. Thank you.

    • Hi Ahmad Syaiful,
      Terima kasih kerana berminat dengan syarikat kami.
      Untuk keterangan lanjut tentang jawatan, sila hubungi Bahagian Sumber Manusia di talian 03-5542 3228.

  3. Hi, I sent an email regarding bulk order of your product but I get no reply. Let me know the price for 400 pcs of twiggies & 400 pcs of quick bites & 400 pcs of squiggles.

  4. Hai,klau saya nak tempah secara berperingkat dlm 600 bgkus roti gardenia delicia pd pringkat pertama then 200 lebih untuk peringkat ke2,jumlah 800 lebih..brapa ya harga untuk 1 bungkus?boleh hantar ke kolej tun syed nasir jalan temerloh titiwangsa tak? ;)

    • Hi Nur Syafiqah,
      Terima kasih kerana berminat dengan produk kami.
      Untuk tempahan dan keterangan lajut, sila hubungi Puan Mala dari Bahagian Pemasaran di nombor 03-5161 3228.
      Terima kasih.

  5. Selamat petang…nak buat pertanyaan pasal tempahan product Gardenia.Kalau penghantaran ke Sibu,Sarawak ada tak??Ingat kalau ada saya nak buat tempahan untuk roti gardenia delicia 200 bungkus untuk 3 kali seminggu..(600 bungkus satu minggu).

    • Salam Iswandy,
      Terima kasih kerana berminat dengan produk kami.
      Untuk makluman, Gardenia Bakeries (KL) Sdn Bhd hanya mempunyai lesen pengeluaran dan pengedaran untuk Semenanjung Malaysia sahaja.

  6. Salam,
    Saya Intan Hayati, merupakan penuntut di UiTM Shah Alam, saya diberi tugasan untuk memohon derma bagi tujuan sumbangan kepada kampung angkat Unit Kokurikulum UiTM Shah Alam di Kemboja. Bagaimanakah caranya untuk saya memohon derma daripada pihak Gardenia?

  7. May I have layout of factory of gardenia? It is for my Operation Management assignment. Could you forward this message to respective person? Your help is such a great help for me. Thanks.

  8. Hello Gardenia,
    I’m currently doing economic assignment, may I have some of your economical/accounting information ?
    Information about :
    2.profit and loss
    3.price ceiling
    If you don’t mind, you can send the information to my email –

    • Hello ManMan,
      Thank you for your interest in our company. For queries and information, please contact our Human Resources Department at 03-5542 3228.

    • Hi Che Nuri.
      Terima kasih kerana berminat dengan produk syarikat kami. Untuk makluman, syarikat kami tidak menyediakan atau mempunyai kursus pembuatan roti.

    • Salam Siti Nur.
      Terima kasih kerana berminat dengan produk syarikat kami. Untuk keterangan lanjut dan tempahan, sila hubungi Puan Mala di talian 03-5161 3228.

  9. salam.
    saya merupakanpelajar politeknik merlimau, saya perlukan bantu pihak Gardenia. Kalau tidak keberatan saya perlukan carta organisasi syarikat Gardenia Malaysia.

    • Salam Saiful Khairi. Terima kasih kerana berminat dengan syarikat kami. Untuk maklumat yang tuan perlukan, sila hubungi bahagian Sumber Manusia syarikat kami di talian 03-5542 3228.

    • Salam Siti,
      Terima kasih kerana berminat dengan produk kami. Untuk keterangan lanjut dan tempahan, sila hubungi Puan Mala di talian 03-5161 3228.

    • Salam Helmi,
      Untuk keterangan lanjut tentang jawatan, sila hubungi Bahagian Sumber Manusia syarikat kami di talian 03-5542 3228. Terima kasih.

  10. Hai..saya dawi…kalo saya nak wat tempahan roti or muffin gardenia mcm mane?tempahan melebihi 700 pcs..tq

    • Hi Suhailah.
      For your information, Gardenia Breakthru had long been discontinued. I would like to suggest you try our Gardenia 100% Wholegrain with Canadian Purple Wheat Bread, which has low GI Index and high in anti-oxidant. Thank you.

  11. Saya nak beli roti gardenia cream yg harga rm0.70 tu sebanyak 140. Dimana saya boleh beli sebab di kedai2 selalunya x banyak. Saya tinggal di kuala kangsar perak. Saya nak guna roti tu hari jumaat ni 21/2/2014. Harap pihak tuan dapat membantu. Terima kasih.

    • Hi Norazira,
      Harga borong bagi Gardenia Twiggies ialah RM1.25 satu pek.

      Untuk tempahan dan keterangan lanjut, sila hubung Puan Mala di talian 03-5161 3228.

    • Hi Fazilah,
      Harga borong Gardenia Chocolate Chips Muffin ialah RM1.40 satu pek.
      Jumlah harga untuk 300 pek Gardenia Chocolate Chips Muffin ialah RM420.00.

      Untuk keterangan lanjut dan tempahan, sila hubungi Puan Mala di talian 03-5161 3228.

      Terima kasih.

        • Hi Fazilah,
          Harga borong Gardenia Twiggies ialah RM1.25 satu pek.
          Untuk keterangan lanjut dan tempahan, sila hubungi Puan Mala di talian 03-5161 3228.

  12. Salam.
    Saya pelajar upm.
    Boleh saya tahu cara untuk memohon tajaan gardenia untuk program siswa@kampung?
    Terima kasih.

  13. salam..,Saya izzati pelajar universiti malaya.Saya ditugaskan untuk mencari sumbangan untuk projek kami ke Indonesia,,Boleh saya tahu cara untuk memohon sumbangan daripada pihak Gardenia?
    Terima kasih

    • Salam Izzati,
      Untuk keterangan tentang prosedur permohonan sumbangan, sila hubungi Bahagian Pemasaran di talian 03-5542 3228. Terima kasih.

  14. Hi there,

    I’m Nadiah. May I know to whom should I refer to if I want to request for your twiggies wagon. We are having an event and it would be lovely if Gardenia Bakeries (KL) Sdn. Bhd. can dispensed free twiggies to these school’s children. Thank you.

    • Hi Nadiah,
      For inquiries about the Twiggies Wagon, please contact the Marketing Department at 03-5542 3228.
      Thank you.

    • Hi Nurul,
      Untuk pertanyaan tentang kerja kosong, sila hubungi Bahagian Sumber Manusia syarikat kami di talian 03-5542 3228.
      Terima kasih.

  15. saya mewakili kelab guru dari sekolah gong dermin kota bharu kelantan, ingin menawarkan kepada pihak tuan untuk memasarkan produk tuan di koperasi kami..sekiranya pihak tuan berminat, pihak tuan boleh berhubung melalui email sebagaimana yang dinyatakan dalam borang ini..tq

    • Salam Abdul Rahman, bagi memasarkan produk kami di koperasi tuan, sila hubungi Puan Fara dari Bahagian Jualan di talian 03-5161 3228. Terima kasih.

    • Salam Amirul.
      Untuk permohonan sumbangan sila hantar permohonan dan maklumat tentang program yang akan diadakan ke Bahagian Pemasaran di nombor faks 03-5542 3213. Sila hubungi Bahagian Pemasaran di talian 03-5542 3228 untuk keterangan lanjut. Terima kasih.

  16. Nak tanya harge produk ne. Mungkin nak buat tempahan yg banyak.
    1) twiggies
    2) butterscotch loaf and bun
    3) waffle vanila and blueberry
    4) buns (choc/strawbery/jagung/bilis)
    5) loaf wholemeal and cranberries

    • Hi Lilie,

      Untuk keterangan harga bagi belian pukal, sila hubungi Puan Mala di talian 03-5161 3228.
      Terima kasih.

  17. Hai sy nk tanya kalau nk buat tempahan roti garinia bun perisa coklat’jagung’vanilla utk 400 bungkus brapa ye harga borong??

    • Hi Nora,
      Untuk keterangan lanjut tentang harga dan tempahan, sila hubungi Puan Mala dari Bahagian Jualan di talian 03-5161 3228. Terima kasih.

  18. nk tanya..blh x sy nk oder 200 pcs utk d hntar ke swk..bkn utk d utk jamuan kcil-kecilan…

    • Hi Melissa,
      Terima kasih kerana berminat dengan produk kami. Untuk makluman, syarikat kami tidak berniaga atau membuat penghantaran ke Sarawakwalau untuk tujuan apa sekali pun.

  19. Salam.
    Ingin bertanya, berapakah harga yang saya boleh dapat jika saya ingin membeli 60 peket twiggies dan 60 peket muffin. Terima kasih

    • Hi Ainun,
      Untuk makluman, harga pukal bagi Gardenia Twiggies ialah RM1.25 satu pek dan Gardenia Quick Bites Chocolate Chips Muffin ialah RM1.40 satu pek.
      Untuk keterangan lanjut dan tempahan, sila hubungi Puan Mala dari Bahagian Jualan di talian 03-5161 3228.
      Terima kasih.

    • Hi Juliza,
      Harga borong untuk Gardenia Chocolate Chips Muffin ialah RM1.40 satu pek.
      Untuk keterangan lanjut dan tempahan, sila hubungi Puan Mala di talian 03-51613228.
      Terima kasih.

  20. Hi,

    Dimana saya boleh dapatkan roti gardenia respberi susu dan krenberi. Saya dah cari merata kedai tapi susah nak jumpe.

    • Hi Mohamad Haliff,
      Terima kasih kerana berminat dengan produk kami.
      Roti Gardenia Raspberi Susu Dan Kranberi ada dijual di pasaraya-pasaraya. Diharap tuan dapat berhubung secara terus dengan Jabatan Pemasaran di talian nombor 03-5542 3228 untuk kami memberi maklumat yang lebih lanjut.

  21. Dear Gardenia….just wondering saw one of your blog here stating that u guys dun have the license in Sabah nor uncle has a small shop who wish to sell there in Kuching. Can I buy here and send it there by post. Please advise. Thanks.

    • Dear Shukri,
      Thank you for your interest.
      As had been stated, we do not have the license to market our product in Sabah, Sarawak and the Borneo, hence we are not able to sell any product there.

  22. Hi. Saya ingin membeli quick bites choc chip muffin sebanyak 1000 pieces. Berapa total hrga pukal utk produk ini?tq..

    • Hi Hana,
      Harga pukal Quick Bites Chocolate Chips Muffin ialah RM1.40 satu pek (mengandungi 2 biji muffin).
      Untuk keterangan lanjut dan tempahan, sila hubungi Puan Mala dari Bahagian Jualan kami di talian 03-5161 3228.
      Terima kasih.

  23. salam, saya nak tanya kalau nk beli roti keping gardenia dengan banyak berapa harganya ya? dalam 100 bungkus…
    terima kasih

    • Salam Ima,
      Untuk keterangan lanjut tentang pembelian pukal, sila hubungi Puan Mala dari Bahagian Jualan kami di talian
      03-5161 3228.
      Terima kasih.

  24. SAlam puan .
    Bolehkah sekiranya saya ingin memohon sedikit sumbangan bg meyambung pelajaran dari pihak gardenia?
    Sekian,Terima Kasih .

  25. hai.saya nabihah daribatu pahat johor,saya berminat nak beli roti gardenia utk majlis perkahwinan saya pada 16/9.berapa harga borong gardenia twiggies dan gardenia choc chip muffin?minimum kuantii borong berapa ye?bolehkah pihak gardenia menghantar terus pesanan saya ke rumah?

    • Hai Cik Nabiha,
      Terima kasih kerana berminat dengan produk kami. Untuk keterangan dan maklumat lanjut tentang belian secara pukal, sila hubungi Puan Mala dari Bahagian Jualan kami di talian 03-5161 3228.

    • Hi Hanim Azman,
      For any request of sponsorship, please send your request, with details of the programmes attached, to the Marketing Department.
      Thank you.

  26. Selamat sejahtera,

    Berapakah harga kalau saya ingin membeli roti gardenia krim coklat dan vanila sebanyak 121 bungkus di melaka?

    Terima kasih.

    • Salam Syu,
      Untuk keterangan tentang harga borong dan tempahan, sila hubungi Puan Mala dari Bahagian Jualan di talian 03-5161 3228. Terima kasih.

    • Hi Zailan,
      Terima kasih kerana berminat dengan produk syarikat kami.
      Untuk keterangan lanjut tentang harga dan belian secara pukal, sila hubungi Puan Mala dari Bahagian Jualan syarikat kami di talian 03-5161 3228.

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