Falsehood 7: I too found an alive worm in my Sambal Bilis Bun

Since late yesterday, we noticed a string of postings mushrooming across all social media platforms allegedly claiming to have found alive worm in their Sambal Bilis Bun.

The shocking thing was, all these complaints were accompanied with what is believed to be an identical photograph <https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10206992598088453&set=pcb.10206992617848947&type=3&theater> (Archive) used as an instrument in a previous posting by a Facebooker < www.facebook.com/kennyozl>.

We are convinced that this is an orchestrated and concerted effort by an irresponsible third party with their own conniving agenda. With this, we would like to urge all netizens to take the time and evaluate the situation/ facts for themselves. Please do not get manipulated into participating in the under handed tactics deployed by this irresponsible party.

Falsehood 6: Gardenia Delicia Sambal Bilis with ALIVE worm

The Truth: This was posted by a Facebooker <www.facebook.com/kennyozl> allegedly claiming to have found alive worm crawling out of the bun. <https://www.facebook.com/kennyozl/posts/10206992617848947?pnref=story> (Archive)

We had proceeded to investigate this matter based on the video and photos that was posted even though we have not been contacted thus far and found it to be baseless and untrue, simply due to the nature of the baking process. The worm would have been dead when exposed to the extreme baking heat of 240 degree Celsius for approximately 12 minutes which makes it impossible for the worm to survive not to mention to be actively crawling about.

Having said so, we suspect that this posting was fuelled by ill intentions and we would like to urge all the netizen out there to correct the wrong and circulate our official statement. Also, please feel free to contact our friendly customer care consultants for further information/ clarification on the matter at 1-800-88-3228.

Thank you.

Gardenia uses High Protein Unbleached Wheat Flour

In the light of the recent claims that bleached wheat flour is harmful to the health, we would like to take this opportunity to assure our loyal consumers that Gardenia products are not affected in any way. Gardenia KL would like to stress that Gardenia only uses high protein unbleached wheat flour to produce all our products.

We would also like to take this opportunity to re-instate that all Gardenia Sandwich loaves have no Artificial, Synthetic or Unnatural Preservatives.

We would appreciate it if you could forward this statement to your friends that may be interested. If you have any further enquiries, please feel free to contact our Customer Care Officers at our toll-free line 1-800-88-3228. 

Thank you.